Unified Screening & Crushing

136 Crestwick Road
Ramseur, NC 27316

Phone: View Phone Number336-824-2151

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Company Description:

Unified Screening & Crushing is a family-owned manufacturer of screening and sizing media with 14 production facilities across the country. We offer the largest woven wire cloth inventory in North America with hundreds of square opening screen sizes and the ability to manufacture thousands of various design specifications. Woven in the USA, our line of screening media includes: Square, Slotted, Clean Screens, Tufflex™, SuperFlow-Urethane Strips, Urethane Tension Mats (TwinThane), Urethane/Rubber Modular Systems. Unified maintains the largest inventory of ready-to-ship crusher wear parts, including Manganese Jaws, Bowl Liners, Mantles and VSI/HSI high-chrome wear parts. With 150 years of experience, you can count on Unified to help you put more rock on the ground.



Product Information:
Unified’s Tufflex™ wire is an excellent choice for abrasive and high-impact applications, as an alternative to oil tempered and high carbon wire. Our workhorse of woven screen cloth products, Tufflex offers: *Two strength-building measures to create a higher tensile strength than a single-step process *Finer grain structure decreases the surface rust and corrosion, less-susceptible to breakage with increased ductility *Greater consistency and flexibility throughout the wire *Lower per ton screen

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